- Inheritance
- Subclasses and super classes (super())
- UML diagram logical thinking
- extends and implements commands
- calling super within a subclass passing parameters
- Example:
public class Dog extends Animal
//Initializing Variables
private int someVariable;//Mixed super & sub Constructor
public Dog(String nameOfDog, int weightOfDog);
someVariable = weightOfDog;
- ArrayLists and arrays
- How to initialize ArrayLists's and arrays
- what length() and length()-1 return
- How to handle the ArrayList<Integer> type "<something>" and what it does.
- Random numbers Math.random() and what it returns and how to manipulate it
- I still do not understand the basics of an enhanced loop, thus review it!
- Recursion
- How to efficiently step through recursive problems.
- How to think of implementing a design for a recursive call
- Merge, Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Quick sorts and how their formulas are relative to processing time.
- How to throw catch, and pass exceptions to other classes through methods.
- Review String methods, Example:
dilemma.charAt(7) //prints "t"
dilemma.substring(3,7) //prints "y hi"
- Demorgans Law and How <=, >=, >, < are converted to each other.